

It is outdoors. It is physical. It is mental. The demands are great, but the Schutzhund sport also offers competition and new friendships. In short, it is what all recreational sports should first be: good exercise, fun, and full of rewards.

While dogs of other breeds are welcome to compete at USA-sanctioned Schutzhund trials, this breed evaluation test was developed specifically for the German Shepherd Dog. The Schutzhund sport is intended to demonstrate the dog’s intelligence and utility. As a working trial, Schutzhund measures the dog’s mental stability, endurance, structural efficiencies, ability to scent, willingness to work, courage, and trainability, all important factors of the comprehensive German Shepherd Dog Breed Standard.

Schutzhund started at the beginning of this century as a test for working dogs. Its initial purpose was to determine which dogs could be used for breeding and which had the true working ability. The growing demand for working dogs made more sophisticated tests and training necessary. These dogs were needed for police training, border patrol, customs, military, and herding. As these tests evolved, more people participated just for the sheer enjoyment of seeing if their personal dogs could be trained as effectively as these “professional dogs”. Now, over sixty years after the first formal Schutzhund rules were introduced, tens of thousands of people participate in the sport each year.

There is nothing quite so exciting as a Schutzhund sport competition. The typical Schutzhund trial will feature a number of dogs showing for BH, the basic obedience degree, or for their tri-phase SchH1, SchH2, or SchH3 title. The endurance test, the AD, is often offered early in the morning while other dogs are on the tracking field completing their Schutzhund 1, 2, or 3 tracking phases or showing for the advanced tracking titles, the FH1 or FH2. Schutzhund tests three specific areas of a dog’s training and behavior.

The first phase, tracking, requires the dog to track footsteps over mixed terrain, change direction and show absolute accuracy and commitment to finding the track. It must also find dropped articles and indicate their locations to the handler. Often this is done under less-than-ideal circumstances with difficult cover, bad weather conditions, and an aged track. Many find tracking to be the most satisfying experience in training when only the handler and dog are working together. It is certainly the most peaceful part of Schutzhund.

The second phase is obedience. Those who are familiar with AKC obedience will feel more comfortable in this area, as many of the exercises are similar to those in Open and Utility. There is heeling, both on and off the lead. The sit, down and stand are also done, except when the dog is moving but Schutzhund applies its own style to this work. Instead of a forty-foot ring, the handler and dog work on a soccer-sized trial field. Some exercises require the dog to work under the noise of a firing gun. In addition to the normal dumbbell retrieval, the dog must retrieve over a one-meter jump and a six-foot wall. Down stays and a long send-away conclude the test.

The third and final test is the most misunderstood by the general public. This is protection. The most important point to understand when watching a protection routine is the relationship between the dog and the handler. The dog must never bite the trial helper unless either the dog or the handler is attacked. Then it must attack fully and without hesitation. But here the real difference becomes apparent. The dog must stop biting on the command of the handler and guard the trial helper without further aggression. Often people confuse Schutzhund protection training with a police dog or personal protection work. Only the Schutzhund sports dog is capable of the feats of never being aggressive except under those specific situations it is trained to face, and even then it must always be under the absolute control of the handler.

The above tests are difficult enough, but to make it even more demanding, they all happen in one day during competitions that are held all over the country. These trials are held by local clubs or in regional and national championships. Each dog is judged by a complex point system that then determines the winner of the trial.

When a dog successfully completes the first trial, it is awarded the title of Schutzhund I. It can then progress to Schutzhund II and, the ultimate, Schutzhund III. Each level makes ever greater demands on the dog and training in all three areas. Any person competing in Schutzhund will tell you that a high-scoring Schutzhund III dog is the ultimate working dog: one in a thousand of all working dogs.

In addition to the Schutzhund I, II, and III titles, other titles in advanced tracking, temperament tests, police training and agility work are awarded.

Today, Schutzhund is more than the small group that started in Germany so long ago. Its organizations have several hundred thousand members, scattered across Europe, North America, and several other continents.

(Material from Schutzhund USA and DVG America)